Category: Addiction Treatment
We’re nearing the end of the year and with it many are taking this time to self-reflect and prepare for the next year. This is also when people typically decide their New Year’s Resolution and set personal goals they aspire to achieve in the coming year. Losing weight, overcoming debt, making career changes, and finding […]
read moreThe National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) estimates that more than 16 million American (6%) abuse prescriptions like Xanax every year. Some 4.8 million Americans use Benzodiazepines every year, with Xanax as one of the best-known brand names. What is Xanax®? Xanax® is known as “xans” or “xannies.” The Xanax generic name is Alprazolam, […]
read moreOne of the most common mistakes made in early recovery is believing that completing treatment means you’re cured. While drug and alcohol rehab in Colorado can help you address and manage the underlying causes of addiction, recovery is a lifelong commitment. Each day you must decide to prioritize your continued sobriety, which means continuing to […]
read moreWith growing public awareness and education around the topic of substance abuse and addiction, more people than ever before are re-evaluating their relationship with drugs and alcohol. While not all people who experiment with illicit substances or use recreationally will develop an addiction, having greater understanding of the signs of addiction can help those who […]
read moreThe holidays can be a difficult time for people in recovery. While it’s difficult to get clear statistical details about how prevalent relapse is during the holidays, the rate of admission to a substance abuse program nearly triples during this time. We recognized that holiday relapse triggers are prevalent and can be detrimental to those […]
read moreYou have known for some time that your substance abuse problem is out of control. But by even considering getting help, you have taken an essential first step. Your main worry, however, is paying for your rehabilitation. Is there free drug and alcohol rehab in Colorado? The answer is that yes, there is. But there […]
read moreAs we know, we are living in one of the most difficult times the world has ever faced. A pandemic situation is not something that we could have predicted or known was coming. However, we are not without recourse during this difficult moment in all of our lives. One of the greatest advantages that we […]
read moreBy Bruce Santiago Scott Berinato and David Kessler conducted and published an interview regarding our current pandemic state that has been highly circulated on social media. People have been sharing this article with friends and family, posting it on their wall, and talking about it among themselves. I’ll admit I passed on reading it the […]
read moreWhile no one could have planned for the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have widely differing views of it and attitudes towards it. Some have been laid off, are having to homeschool their children, and are learning how to spend a lot of time at home — that seems much smaller than they […]
read moreUnfortunately, there’s no easy answer. Numerous factors, including insurance, affect the overall cost of addiction treatment programs. Typically, the cost of rehab varies depending on the program in which you enroll. For example, inpatient treatment costs more than outpatient rehab most of the time. The cost is higher because you live at the rehab facility […]
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